School 15th of September 2014 (*>.<*)

Today i got up at 6:30 am, yeah i slept in for once, but to my defence i went to sleep real late yesterday (at 4:50 am)
so i didn’t get much sleep at all, tehe ~! My bad ~ !
My day is looking like this today:

06:30  –  I woke up, i slept a little longer today than usual so it felt a little weird and different
07:23  – I was supposed to take the train that went this time, but i had problem choosing clothes
07:53  – Yaaay ~! This train i made it in time to ~ !
08:20  -The train arrived to the city and i got into the bus that would get me to my school ~
08:33  – I got just in time for the Social studies and one way or another i could hurriedly start with the assignment
10:05  – Special Education started and it was quite interesting actually ~ ! 😀
11:30  – Lunch, we got chicken casserole and it was very yummy ~ ! \(^o^)/
12:45  – Basic Health Care, every lesson is interesting and it’s always awesome ~ !! (*>w<*)
14:00  – Religion, i’m not quite sure what i think about this class, it’s….okay i s’ppose?
14:50  – Schoold ends, i’m going down to the square and wait for a friend, we’re going together to meet up with the Japanese students that we’re meant to guide around all day, it is 18 boys and 12 girls appareantly ^^
16:30  – We meet up at Grand and have an awesome time ~ !!!

I met up with them and got to know three girls and three boys, we had an awesome time and I’m really glad I got to meet them xD
Keisuke gave me cookies ~ !!! \(*^^*)/
They were really good and he was a very nice person, his friend Eiji was also very nice and we four (me, Emma, Eiji and Keisuke) played shiritori, I’m the shiritori master so I was one of the last two in the end, it was awesome!!! Keisuke own and decided the バツゲーム (= batsu geemu = punishment game) and made us “losers” make funny faces AND took photos of it xD
I might upload the photos here later xD
The most fun was that they almost ONLY spoke japanese, so it was fun to talk so up much japanese and I was glad to hear that they thought my japanese was good and that they were truly surprised that I could speak it xD




Hyunhyun ~ ! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆〜

100 facts about me xD

100 Things About Me

1. What is your name? – Alicia Maria Elizabéth Karlsson
2. How old are you? – 19 years old
3. Are you sure? –  Pretty much, yeah xD
4. What is your earliest memory? – Four year old me gliding over the ice on figureskates while Matthias and Renée holds my hands and pulls me around, smiling at me and giving couraging compliments, they were so happy ^^
5. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? – I don’t drink alcohol
6. What is your favorite vegetable? – Bellpepper
7. Do you remember your first day at school? – Yeah, it was horrible… First i rode my bike into the wall on my way to ride in through the schoolgates and then i noticed it was the WRONG part of school and that i was lost….
8. What is the worst exam result you remember ever getting? – C+ , that teacher fricking hated me and dropped my grades just cause she felt like it, i were supposed to have higher -.-
9. How tall are you? – 1.57 cm
10. Can you swim? – In water, i turn to Ariel, the little mermaid xD
11. Who is your favorite movie actress? – Dakota Fanning
12. Who is your favorite movie actor? – Leonardo DiCaprio
13. Who is your favorite comedian? – Will Smith
14. Who is your favorite politician? – None
15. Who is your favorite historical figure (been dead for at least 100 years)? – Oda Nobunaga
16. Who is your favorite super-heroine? – Super Woman
17. Who is your favorite super-hero? – Spiderman
18. Can you name a female scientist other than Madame Curie? – Nope
19. Who is your favorite mythological god or goddess? – Artemis
20. Who is your favorite woman of all time? – My mother, even though i don’t show it so often, she means everything
21. Do you agree with “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”? – It would make the whole world blind and toothless, but if they eventually learn something from it then of course ~ !
22. Do you agree with “Life does not forgive weakness”? – No, that’s just bullshit ~
23. Do you agree with “It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance”? – Yes
24. Do you agree with “The state can do what they want to do”? – Nope, not at all
25. Do you agree with “If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country”? – No, i’d rather betray my country than a true friend
26. Do you agree with “If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads”? – Yes but no, I don’t know
27. Do you agree with “Crime is a product of social excess”? No
28. Do you agree with “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? – Yes, I think it’s a good golden rule, I just wish people would abide by it more
29. Do you agree with “And mankind is naught but a single nation”? – Yes
30. Do you agree with “Bulimia is soooo ’87”? – oh totes ~ !! 😉
31. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? – Ice sharks
32. What is the worst TV show you have ever seen? Idol
33. What is the worst book you have ever read? – Neef the changeling
34. What is the worst song you have ever heard? – ABC
35. What is the worst sport you know of? – Floor ball
36. Who is the worst movie “star” ever? – Sylvester Stallone
37. Who is the worst comedian ever? – My younger sister
38. Who is the worst author ever? – I don’t know… The one who invented math!
39. Who is the worst musical act ever? Urintown
40. Who is the worst sports “star” you have ever seen? – I don’t watch sport

41. If you could go back in time to witness an historical event in person, what event would you want to see? – The revolutionary event/time in Edo
42. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? – Japan
43. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet? – The one they call “God”…
44. If you could become famous for one thing, what would that thing be? – My modeling
45. If you could buy anything regardless of cost, what would you buy? the world, I suppose xD
46. If you could change any one thing about your country, what would it be? – So that racism and bullying was no more
47. If you could change any one thing about international politics, what would it be? – I don’t know
48. If you could meet any famous person who is dead, who would it be? -Hanzou Hattori
49. If you could become dictator of the world, would you? – Hell, yeah, any time xD
50. If you could eat an entire cow at one sitting, would you? – No, poor cow Dx

51. Have you ever illegally downloaded music/TV shows/movies from the net?- Nope, not even once
52. Have you ever used illegal narcotics (yes, even pot counts if it was illegal at the time)? – Nope, not ever
53. Have you ever gotten any points on your driving license? – I can’t take a driving license cause of my disease
54. Have you ever stolen anything from a shop? – No
55. Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes while underage? – No, since I don’t smoke

56. Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes for another person who was underage? – well….
57. Have you ever tried to cheat the taxman/social security/other government agency? – No
58. Have you ever ridden on a train or bus without paying? – To my defence; it was the train lady/guy that went by!
59. Have you ever been arrested? – Nope!
60. Have you ever been charged with a crime? – No

61. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? – Riga (three days)
62. Where have you visited that you would like to go back to? – My grandpa’s house in Vilhelmina
63. Where would you like to visit that you haven’t yet? – Japan
64. Where is your favorite place in the world? – Japan
65. Where have you visited that you hope never to go to again? – I don’t know
66. Where would you definitely never go to? – Iraq
67. Where is your least favorite place in the world? – Home
68. What is your favorite way to travel  ? – Books and dreams
69. What is your least favorite way to travel? – Walking, lol xD
70. What is the capital of Assyria?   – Lol, I don’t know
71. What was the last movie you saw? – Maleficent

72. Was it any good? – It was okay, it wasn’t too shabby 😉
73. What was the last book you read? – “Still missing”
74. Was it any good? – So far, so good 🙂
75. What was the last song you listened to? “Who says”
76. Was it any good? – Yeah, I like that song (*^^*)
77. What was the last computer game you played? – Block puzzle
78. Did you do well? – Well I just started with it so yeH, since it’s going good
79. What was the last meal you ate? – Chicken filet and potatoes with bearnease and rotatoui

80. Was it any good? – Yeah, it was delicious
81. Do you believe in God/Goddess/Gods/Goddesses? – Depends on
82. Do you agree with the war in Iraq? – War at all is never good and I’ll never agree to it!
83. Do you believe in aliens? – My brother is one
84. Do you agree with the theory of evolution? – Yes I do 😉

85. Do you believe in reincarnation? – I’m not sure, some part of me believe in it but another part of me doesn’t
86. Do you agree with the idea of the UN? – I’m not sure
87. Do you believe in karma? – Yes
88. Do you agree with the theories of man-induced global warming? – Yes
89. Do you believe in democracy above all other systems of government? – No
90. Do you agree with Freddie Mercury when he sings “Fat-bottomed girls you make the rockin’ world go round”? – Lol, what?! XD

91. What is your favorite movie? – The grudge
92. What is your favorite book? – Wolf brothers
93. What is your favorite song? – Good bye days and Skyline
94. What is your favorite city? – Okinawa
95. What is your favorite sport? – Football and badminton
96. What is your favorite place in the world? – Japan

97. Are you glad these questions are almost over? – YEESSS!!! FINALLY!!
98. What are you going to do next? – Publish this shit and go to sleep xD
99. Do you anticipate this activity being fun? – At the beginning, yes xD
100. Give us a quote to end on…- ” The true beauty in life is friendship and family who loves you for who you are, not how/and what you are ” = by me xD

Hyunhyun ~ !!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Poem: I’m not giving up


Even though all the shitty people smashing me down everyday,
making me want to go away

I get up every time and smile,
I smile and keeps on walking mile by mile

I know I’m way too nice and naive,
I know you’re just going to use and abuse me

But then once again I’ll get up and keep on trying,
I don’t wanna lose the hope and break down crying

So here I am, I’m still smiling
You are you, so stop the wailing

You can’t change me with the beating,
I’ll just keep it up repeating

Trusting and believing,
It’s far better than lying and deceiving

So just be you, and I’ll be me
Then that way we’ll all be free ❤


Lol, the feels overflowed and I lost all control,
I can't stop writing in poem style and I feel so emo
But even if that is so, I want you all to know
This is my first time showing anyone my poem,
So don't judge but instead compliment or comment something nice,
That way I'll know how to improve and raise my self esteem at once xD

It's also my first time making a blend photo so don't hate on it Dx

まじ? ( ̄◇ ̄;)






すごくうれしいよ!めっちゃいきたいよ!いますぐにそのプロジェクトやりたいよ!すごくたのしみにしてるよ! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



ひゅんひゅん〜! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


More facts about me xD


1. Full name:
Inger Alicia Maria Elizabeth

2. Zodiac sign:

3. 3 Fears:
The dark, men/guys, to be alone

4. 3 things I love:
to make friends, to have fun, to reach my goals and dreams

5. Last song I listened to:
Kimi ga suki – shimizu shota

6. How many tattoos/ piercings I have:
0 tattoos, 3 piercings (ears and belly bottom)

7. The reason why I joined Tumblr:
I don’t have Tumblr

8. How I feel right now:
Tired and a little stressed out :/

9. Something I really, really want:
I really, really want to go to Japan this instant, I can’t want until December!

10. Meaning behind my URL:
Well, Miarisa is kind of one of my nicknames, and since this site is about me and my daily experience and so on I named it Miarisa site xD

11. My favourite movie(s):
RH Plus, The grudge, 1 litre tears with more

12. My favourite song(s):
Kimi ga suki, goodbye day, skyline

13. My favourite band(s):
Gazette, Diaura, ON/OFF, All time low, Boyce avenue

14. 3 things that upset me:
When people are being mean, bullies, being looked down upon

15. 3 things that makes me happy:
New friends, animals, japan

16. What I find attractive in other people:
Kindness, a little badass, when they stand up for themselves and what they think/believe in ~!

17. Someone I miss:
Tomomi, Kai, Kyoka, Riru, Minori, Kazuto – who went back to Aomori some time ago :/
My grandpa who died this summer
Matthias who died in cancer 6 December 2012

18. Someone I love:
My cat

19. My closest Tumblr friend:
I don’t have Tumblr so how would I have a friend there xD

20. Someone from Tumblr I’d date:

21. A confession:
Well, I’ve never confessed before, and I think I’d prefer the boy to confess xD

22. 3 things that annoys me easily:
People who believes in rumours, my hair in the morning, shitty people

23. My favourite animal(s):
Desert fox, dogs/cats, horses, panther, fox, mouse, that mouse kangaroo in Australia xD

24. One thing I’ve lied about:
My site name, I don’t know why I chose this name, but it actually might have something to do with the thing I explained xD

25. Something that’s currently worrying me:
My trip to Japan in December, think I might get lost in the first airport change xD

26. An embarrassing moment:
When I corrected my teacher on something in class and she hated me ever after, I went to the headmaster and got her fired when things got out of control so I’m cool with it now (*^^*)/

27. Where I work:
Modeling and kindergarten

28. Something that’s constantly on my mind:
Japan and japanese language xD

29. 3 habits I have:
Bite my lips or rip my nails when nervous or stressed,
hide myself behind my hair if shy or scared,
Cry whenever something doesn’t feel good

30. My future goals:
Parter I graduate from school here, I’ll move to japan, get a job, earn enough for something small to live in, keep working and earn enough to continue my studies there, there I’ll also focus on continuing with modelling and the song and maybe take up the acting again’ then I’ll find I fine guy and live happily ever after 😉

31. Something I fantasise about:
The continuation of my books

32. My favourite store(s):
New Yorker (it’s so cheap it’s almost scary) 😀

33. My favourite food(s):
Yaoi tori and sushi

34. What I did yesterday:
I went shopping with mom and dad

35. Something I’m talented at:
Writing, acting and modelling

36. My celebrity crush:
Leonardo DiCaprio

37. My weight:
48 kg

38. My length:
159 cm

39. My shoe size:

40. My pets:
I have a cat named Sissie



41. A photo of myself:


Hyunhyun ~ ! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

School photo, yuck ~ !

Hi everyone,
Now, we all know the terror that meets us at the time in school when it’s time for school photos.
Today was that day for me, I died by nervousness and nauseousness before it was my turn, I felt sick and it was as if my head was spinning.
I was petrified….
When I left house this morning, I looked like this:

IMG_3307.JPG<br /

When I got home the air was humid and my hair got all frizzled up ~ !

I cut my bangs ~ !! (*>.<*)

For the first time since my time in kindergarten I’ve cut my bangs, although i did it cause I had a breakdown caused my a certain person who decided to leave my friend circle….
Yeah I panicked since I felt as if everything fell down on me, it felt as if the dark was pulling me down to the loneliness again and I was abandoned….
I do have a feeling I took it so hard because I’ve been bullied and abused ever since preschool and never had any “real friends”, I had three friends once where I lives, but when I was pinned down to the ground and in the process of getting raped….they just stood there….watching…
I thought that I now, in highschool, finally had found “real friends”…
… But in the end she threw me away, she had heard stuff about me from others ANC said she didn’t trust me anymore, when I asked her what it was that she had heard she refused to tell me “cause if she told me I’d know who had told her”….so I never got to know what’s had had heard about ME from SOMEONE ELSE and there was a huge crack in our “friendship” after that…
I didn’t ask her anymore about that and just tried to fix our friendship again, but it didn’t work so good, and now she had found something else to blame on me and concluded that “she couldn’t take my anymore and that she didn’t want to continue being friends with me”…
She has only known me for almost three years, but still….she don’t KNOW me, cause if she’d KNEW me, she’d know I font gave a , my friend Sarah who has known me for five years and always stayed by my side ever since we met when I changed school cause of the abuse and bullying in my old school got too severe, when she heard about me and this other girl she got furious for my sake; she KNOWS I don’t have a , she KNOWS I don’t lie, she KNOWS I’m easily broken…..

Anyway, sorry, got out of context a bit, anyway this THING with that girl took a rough toll on me and as I wrote above, I panicked and just cut my bangs…


It felt really weird with the cut bangs and I felt even uglier when it was done, I felt that it didn’t fit me, I felt naked cause now I didn’t have any bangs to hide my eyes behind anymore, I’ve somehow gotten used to it now though….

Hyunhyun ~ ! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

The stranger on the train O.o

Okay, I apologize for the up regular inputs, but to my defence I’ve been very busy with school lately (even more since I’m on my last year)

But enough of that,
It happened quite a funny thing on the train on my way home
from school one day last week.

I was on the phone with Michael and we were speaking Japanese, since he’s from Japan,
and I don’t know but we were just talking about how our days been.

I notice that the guy that sits beside me glances at me every now and
then during my and Michaels conversation.
I didn’t think much if it and was more like:
” Meh, he don’t even understand Japanese so he don’t know
what we’re talking about. I don’t have to worry about him.”
Not that we were saying anything obscene xD

But anyway, I didn’t pay much attention to the guy beside
and kept the conversation with Michael going.
Somewhere in the middle of our talk I hear how the guy beside me
gets a phone all and hear him say:
” I can’t talk right now, I’ll call you up later.”

And after that he kept glancing at my way which made me start
thinking he was a little weird and got a little bothered by it.

When my stop came and I grabbed my stuff and getting ready to get off
(still on the phone with Michael) the guy beside me kinda grabs my wrist
and looks me in the eyes while saying:
“君は日本語うまいね〜!” = “You’re really good at japanese~! ”
and I was like:
” ( ̄◇ ̄;) !(◎_◎;) ?!?!?!?! The fuck?!?! He….he speaks japanese?!?!?!
T-then he understood everything we said?!?!??!?!?!?!? ”

But awkwardly answered: ” あーありがとうございます….”
= ” T-thank you very much….”
And hurried off the train….

I was so shocked, but then it got to me…
He had been listening to our conversation on purpose,
he had postponed his own phone call to listen to our conversation,
that’s why he had been glancing at me all that time…
That sneaky bastard ~ !! XD



That was my awkward and shocking train ride home ~
Have a nice day and wait patiently for the next post ~ !
Hyunhyun ~ ! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Meowchat! Hissa och dissa!

Okay, I’ve recently downloaded this app called “Meowchat” and so far I’m quite content with it.
Actually I heard about it from my japanese friends and hence got curious about it.
But now to the question: (which consists of my personal opinion)

What’s shitty about Meowchat?
* Well, there’s a lot of creepers that wants to chat
* you can hide or show you age
* you can’t block without having to report the other part

And what’s so good about it?
* You can chat with people worldwide
* you can mark which part of the world, and city, you’d like to find people to chat with
* You can fave other contacts so you can chat later also
* You can like each other’s photos (almost like on Instagram)
* you can send voice messages, photos, and so on.

That’s as far I’ve gotten with it, hopefully I’ll learn more about the app and maybe I’ll find out more about its functions.

With this app I’ve been able to chat with many and got to improve my japanese greatly by chatting and talking with japanese people on the app (*^^*)


11th June

Well, today was my birthday…
And everyone forgot.
Sure, my mom and dad woke me up at 4am singing happy birthday and sent me off to work, yeah believe it or not but I had to work on my birthday.
So I got to work, has to ditch my plans for Japan this summer because suddenly all jobs wanted me -.-
But yeah, and even though my boss who hired me knew it was my birthday no one sang or even said “happy birthday” to me.
Then I had to take a break and go to school to see my best friend Emma graduate and I had a rough time finding her In the crowd but I finally found her and I glomped her so hard she lost fell down (*^^*)
Her mom invited me over to their place after I finished my work and of course I thanked her and accepted.
But soon I had to return to my work and keep working.
When I finally got off I switched my clothes to a dress in a speed not even superman would keep up with and rushed to the bus which went to her place.
Let me just say this before you keep reading and bend over in laughter, it was a while since I was at her place since we’ve both been busy with school!!
When I got off the bus I went to the house I remembered as hers and immediately noticed the move boxes in her window and I almost panicked thinking she’s moving away somewhere so I started knocking at her door and when no one opened I tried calling her but couldn’t get through, so I decided to just go home instead.
But then I hear laughter from the house next door and notice her graduation sign and realises I’ve been knocking at the wrong house ~ !!! She was living in the house beside xD
So anyway I go towards it and see her in the window, when she notices me her jaw almost literally fall to the ground and slam up the door in my face nd hugs me tightly.
I eat some food, give her my presents and then it’s time for the presents to be opened.
But then she wants to say something to everyone; “before we open all those presents I want all of you to pay attention to a very special girl here who’s birthday is TODAY, I’d like all of us to sing a song for her, my best friend Mia!! ”
And I was like: “is this happening? Oh my goodness…!” And couldn’t believe my eyes and ears because everyone was smiling at me and stood up and the minute later all Emma’s relatives and family were singing for me and I felt the tears coming up, I was soooo happy, she actually remembered my birthday~!! (*^^*)
And under the day I’d received 18-25 text messages from my dear friend Sarah writing “Congratz~!!! <3333" and it was just that word in all of those messages.
But I hadn't gotten any greeting from my friends whom I usually hang out with in school, none of them had contacted me or anything.
Then I got home and my cousins and grandma were there to celebrate, I got a lot of nice presents ^^
I'll write and show you more about them tomorrow ~ !! (#^^#)
Hyunhyun ~ (*^^*)

