しよう むかつく!

Samsung Galaxy Express - slutet av 2013 och början av 2014 416

私 は わたし の さいこう の ひび おためして みて、かれら は まだ まんぞく して いない!
どんなに わたし は なに お すべき か、わたし は かれら の ため に じゅうぶんである こと は けっして ないだろう。。。
わたし は ちいさな ころ から わたし は いつも かれら お なだめる ため に、 わたし の いちばn お ためして みたが、それ は かれら が わたし お みた こと が ないみたい。
いま でも かれら は わたし が おこなう すべて に いっしょうけんめい やあつ て
ひおうじ されて いない、かれら は わたし が いんち しっぱい ものごと お みる。
たぶn わたし は なにもの お あきらめなければ ならない。。。

The last day and the sad farewell ~(Q_Q)~

This day we spent sightseeing and took them to various places and i’m pretty sure they enjoyed it mighty.
The first place we took them to was Carolina Rediviva; a huuuuuge library ~
It was an interesting place but unfortunately you weren’t allowed to take photos there (Curse you, who ever decided that!!!) and a answered their/hims… questions regarding the silverbible as much as i could.
   After Carolina Rediviva we took them to the castle and that was the utmost hilarious moment, when they asked what castle it was; i could barely keep my laughter in and answered them with a giggly voice that it was the Castle of Uppsala, i don’t know if they laughed att me who couldn’t contain my laughter or if they thought the idea of ”Castle of Uppsala” was funny.
Either way, we had a great time and joked around a lot.
We took a lot of photos! 😀
Kai is bigger than the church! ;D

  The one missing would be Kai, blast! D:

     \( //^x^// )/


Posing time 😀




After the visit to the castle we moved along to the Domkyrkan, the big church in Uppsala, well there we tricked them that in Sweden it was a tradition to spin around ten times while looking up at the churche’s towers, they believed it and afterwards we told them that we was just messing around with them they started laughing and thought it was pretty funny, but man they were dizzy after.
When we went in Tomomi and her partner in crime Riru saw to it that i was close to Kai all the times and took thousends of photots of us together.
Those little….! (>w<)O
We went along and Kai asked many questions about the church and the graves including about the persons inside the graves, i answered as much as i could and knew and i think it was very pleasant that he was so curious and asked me so many things.
These are som photos we took in the church;

These are the little devils Tomomi and Riru ^^

Kazuto, that bastard, never stood still!! D:<

Kai and Tomomi, you cool punks xD

Kyoka, Tomomi and Riru ❤

Anyway, when we were done at the church we went shopping.
First we showed them the store called Household which they seemed to find very interesting, then we took them to Åhlens.
And after THAT we went to RTG or something like that, where they bought souvenires  and so on.


Later on we became hungry and the time was running out, so we hurridly went to Max and ordered a lots of hamburgers and sodas and shakes and pommes, and i think everyone thought we were crazy bunnies ordering thousends of carrot caskets.
Photo time!



Wonderful time, guys! 😀

Arfter we had eaten we hurried back to the hotel since their bus to the airport would come soon.
It became a very emotional goodbye where everyone cried and didn’t want to go back.
















Before they boarded the bus i gave each and them a personal handwritten letter with my contact adresses and the sites and used and so on so that we would still be able to keep in touch with each other.

I’ll hopefully see you all in Aomori this summer, look forward to it, and i expect you all to guide ME around then! \(^o^)/

Hyunhyun ~ \(*^o^*)/



So we meet again \(^o^)/

Well, it all started with everyone assemble on a classroom and everyone had to introduce themselves and tell something about themselves, i said my name and age and my hobbies. And after the introductions they talked about their school, what they did in their clubs and what they wanted to become, what you could do where they lived and so on. It was very interesting and fascinating to hear. After that they showed us some toys they had brought from Japan and among those toys there were a really creepy toy. And after all the fascinating toys we decided to do a weird version of kakkurenbou (hide and seek) where everyone got divaded into couples and one couple would go into hiding, the other couples are suppposed to found the hiding couple and when found they should hide with them, the last couple who doesn’t find them loose. And of course Tomomi and Riru figured out a mean and well planed plan. “Maria, have you found someone to pair up with yet?” They asked and i said that i haven’t asked anyone yet, the second after the pushes me and apologise saying it was an accident and Kai immediatly catches me and asks me if we should team up. I have no other choice but to nod with blushing cheeks and.all red in my face, it was so embarrassing. Tomomis and Rirus plan had worked and they high fived each other. Soon the hunt on the hiding couple begun and i started running with Kai around the school while talking and singing non-stop to kill the awkward silence. He complimented my singing and i once again felt the burning in my cheeks. We soon found the hiding pair and hid behind a pillar. While scootching down there with Kai i started a japanese verb game to train while we waited for the other pairs to find us. Kai wanted to take photos so we did (#^.^#)


             If only he would smile (*^▽^*)

And now the photobomb from that day:
















                 Tomomi (*^▽^*)



               Kyoka (*^▽^*)


               Tomomi (*^▽^*)



This day was also awesome and i enjoyed talking to them very much (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Hyunhyun ヽ(*´∀`)ノ

Horrible day that became awesome


Well i’m going to take it all in English and from here on make more publishes in English so everyone who’s not a Swede will understand too. Well, i’m gonna start by apologising for the lack of activity lately, but i have been really busy with the school musical and lots of other stuff that’s on my mind.

But now i’ve something to tell you guys, gosh i’m still excited! Well it all started last Tuesday (6/2) when we in the musical were supposed to perform on schools open day for recruiting more students. Not only didn’t everyone show up, we also had to change a lot of stuff since we were so few that time, so on the end we did a chorus display and sang a few songs. Then when we’re done Kajtek yells to me through the school that i have to join him and the others to go and have dinner at Bistro with some.japanese students that had Come here to talk about they’re school and about nuclear power. I was like: ” okay….suuuuure…” and came along but while we were waiting for some others to show up before we left Lina came and said we needed one more person since we had booked tablec for a specific number. So i left my styff with Kajtek for him to watch over while we ran around looking for a japanese−course student like myself and when we came back with one my schoolbag were missing but all my other stuff were left. So i panicked, i cried, i panicked some more and the other panicked since i cried and desperately tried to comfort me and saying it all would be fine and that my bag would show up. I had all my stuff in that bad; my school computer, my cell phone charger, my dance clothes, homework and books, pencils and so on. My other would kill me if she found out that someone had stolen my bag. My friends comforted me and after have told some teachers (well, they translated my hiccups) they took me by my hand and we started walking to the hotel where we met up with the japanese students. They greeted us and i immediately felt connected to them and i felt that i became friends with them straight away. Of course we only speaked japanese and only took to English when we couldn’t find the word no matter what. The japanese students, Tomomi & Riru & Kyoka & Minori & Kazuto and… Kai, were understanding and listened to us patiently and silently encouraged us and helped us find the words. If there was something we didn’t quite understand they would somehow try to rephrase it and say it so we would understand, they were really nice. Anyway, when we got to the restayrant we were split into two tables with six persons at each (3 japanese students + 3 swedish students) i got to sit with Tomomi, Riru and Kai (*^▽^*) It was awesome and i found out that i and Kai shared a lot of common interests and music and so on, and Tomomi and Riru found something else out too…. Those little akumas! When we changed seats they deliberately made so that i got to sit beside Kai… We ate and we talked, we all truly enjoyed ourselves! We exchanged contact adresses and when the dinner was over we followed them back to the hotel and said we would see each other next day when they would come to our school and talk and have a great time.

Here comes my favorite part – photos !


                  Riru (*^▽^*)


                 Tomomi O(≧▽≦)O


                  Riru O(≧▽≦)O


               Kai (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


           Kai, Mindy, Riru and Natalia


           Kai and Mindy (._.)


           Tomomi (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Awesome dinner, one more time!!O(≧▽≦)O

Hyunhyun ~ \(^0^)/