⑫月29日 - めいわくです!

( Today i found a site called interpals.
On that site you can make penpals all over the world, and i found some pretty nice japanese people to talk and write to.
There i also found Yuichiro, a very nice guy who’s fun to talk to and is only one year older than myself! )

われわれはまた、きょうもTallen に行って、われわれのほうほうであり私たちはほとんどくるまでへらじかーじょうでじっこうしがさいしゅうてきにはなにもおこったし、われわれはそれがふたたびもりのなかにじっこうすることができますので、きゅうけいをふむことができました。
( We started talking a lot and then we began talking over Skype, we talked in early morning and late in the night.
We also went to Tallen today too and on our way there we almost ran over an elk with the car, but in the end nothing happened and we were able to step on the break so it could run into the woods again. )

( Once we got back home after buying the things we needed i started Skyping with Yuichiro again but i didn’t tell him about the near accident with the elk.
The only thing i was really unhappy about was that my younger sister Ida and Emma were being unreasonably annoying and burdening! )

( I’m kind of used with Emma being stuck to me like glue.
My grandpa says she really adores me and looks up to me like crazy.
I know about her personal circumstances at her home and such so i can’t really get mad at her and tell her to leave me alone. )

( She needs someone who looks after her and is there for her, an older sister figure.
And since my own little sister don’t appreciate me i don’d mind being there for Emma, even though we’re not related my blood.
But Ida was being weird just to annoy me!! )

( Usually she’s on her bed with her headphones in and is tending to herself and don’t care about me at all, but whenever i’m on Skype with someone she always get this frustrating idea to get in my way.
She makes weird noises, gives the other person weird nicknames, asks me things she’d never ask me any other time, she’s just being plain annoying! )

( And then when i end the Skype call she goes back to normal and to her own bed and her own iPad, then she don’t care about me at all.
It’s really frustrating and i have no idea what to do about it as the older sister i am!! )

Hyunhyun ~ !! \ ( * ^ ^ * ) /

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