11th June

Well, today was my birthday…
And everyone forgot.
Sure, my mom and dad woke me up at 4am singing happy birthday and sent me off to work, yeah believe it or not but I had to work on my birthday.
So I got to work, has to ditch my plans for Japan this summer because suddenly all jobs wanted me -.-
But yeah, and even though my boss who hired me knew it was my birthday no one sang or even said “happy birthday” to me.
Then I had to take a break and go to school to see my best friend Emma graduate and I had a rough time finding her In the crowd but I finally found her and I glomped her so hard she lost fell down (*^^*)
Her mom invited me over to their place after I finished my work and of course I thanked her and accepted.
But soon I had to return to my work and keep working.
When I finally got off I switched my clothes to a dress in a speed not even superman would keep up with and rushed to the bus which went to her place.
Let me just say this before you keep reading and bend over in laughter, it was a while since I was at her place since we’ve both been busy with school!!
When I got off the bus I went to the house I remembered as hers and immediately noticed the move boxes in her window and I almost panicked thinking she’s moving away somewhere so I started knocking at her door and when no one opened I tried calling her but couldn’t get through, so I decided to just go home instead.
But then I hear laughter from the house next door and notice her graduation sign and realises I’ve been knocking at the wrong house ~ !!! She was living in the house beside xD
So anyway I go towards it and see her in the window, when she notices me her jaw almost literally fall to the ground and slam up the door in my face nd hugs me tightly.
I eat some food, give her my presents and then it’s time for the presents to be opened.
But then she wants to say something to everyone; “before we open all those presents I want all of you to pay attention to a very special girl here who’s birthday is TODAY, I’d like all of us to sing a song for her, my best friend Mia!! ”
And I was like: “is this happening? Oh my goodness…!” And couldn’t believe my eyes and ears because everyone was smiling at me and stood up and the minute later all Emma’s relatives and family were singing for me and I felt the tears coming up, I was soooo happy, she actually remembered my birthday~!! (*^^*)
And under the day I’d received 18-25 text messages from my dear friend Sarah writing “Congratz~!!! <3333" and it was just that word in all of those messages.
But I hadn't gotten any greeting from my friends whom I usually hang out with in school, none of them had contacted me or anything.
Then I got home and my cousins and grandma were there to celebrate, I got a lot of nice presents ^^
I'll write and show you more about them tomorrow ~ !! (#^^#)
Hyunhyun ~ (*^^*)

